22 Feb 2021
TURUNÇ is pleased to welcome İltem Dokurlar as a partner and head of the firm’s capital markets practice. Before joining TURUNÇ, Mr. Dokurlar was chief legal counsel at Borsa Istanbul, Turkey’s national stock exchange, and Yıldırım Holding, a Turkish multinational conglomerate. Mr. Dokurlar has extensive experience in securities regulation, capital...
22 Feb 2021
TURUNÇ has advised Boğaziçi Ventures on its investment in Barakatech, a super app platform and API marketplace. Boğaziçi Ventures is a leading Turkish Capital Markets Board-regulated venture capital fund focused primarily on fintech, health tech, retail tech and gaming. The TURUNÇ team included Kerem Turunç, Yasemin Kerestecioğlu and Beste Yıldızili...
08 Jan 2021
TURUNÇ has advised Vinci Venture Capital on its investment in ShipsGo, a start-up which uses big data to enable accurate container tracking and route searching for cargo owners and forwarders. Vinci Venture Capital is the venture capital fund affiliate of İnci Holding, a large Turkish conglomerate. The TURUNÇ team included...
04 Jan 2021
Dr. Esin Çamlıbel has been named partner at TURUNÇ. Dr. Çamlıbel was previously counsel. She leads the firm’s competition law, compliance and regulatory practices. Dr. Çamlıbel is an expert in commercial law, competition law, European Union law, intellectual property law, data privacy, and international trade and WTO laws. Dr. Çamlıbel...
23 Dec 2020
This holiday season, in honor of our clients and friends around the world, we’re donating to organizations that tackle issues of hunger, access to education, and animal rights. Bu sene dünyanın dört bir yanına yayılmış müvekkilerimiz yeni yılını açlıkla mücadele, eğitime erişim ve hayvan hakları konularına çalışan kurumlara katkıda bulunarak...
16 Dec 2020
TURUNÇ is pleased to be ranked as a leading fintech law firm in Turkey in the FinTech 2021 guide published by Chambers & Partners. Created several years ago as a separate guide from the traditional Chambers Global and Chambers Europe guides, in each of which TURUNÇ is also ranked, the...
03 Dec 2020
TURUNÇ authored the Turkey chapter of Lexology Getting the Deal Through’s Ports & Terminals (2021) title. The contributing lawyers were Esin Çamlıbel, Naz Esen and Beste Yıldızili Ergül. The publication is a comparative guide of the legislation relating to ports and terminals in 19 jurisdictions. In addition to Turkey, the jurisdictions covered...
10 Nov 2020
“… Ben hiç korkmuyorum Senden senin geleceğinden Dünyanın her yerinde insan Büyüğünden küçüğünden Öldürüyor yaşatıyor sevgiyi Kimileri seni öldü biliyor Hiç ses etme ölmesinler korkudan Bir gün döner dolaşır Ulaşırlar karşıdan …” – Özdemir Asaf
29 Oct 2020
“Millet, Cumhuriyet’in bugün ve gelecekte bütün saldırılardan kesin ve ebedî olarak korunmasını istemektedir. Milletin isteği, Cumhuriyet’in tecrübe edilmiş ve müspet neticeleri görülmüş olan bütün esaslara bir an önce ve tam olarak dayandırılması şeklinde ifade edilebilir.” – Mustafa Kemal