Esin Çamlıbel Speaks at Data Protection Association’s Symposium

12 November 2018
Kerem Turunç

Dr. Esin Çamlıbel was a panelists at the Uygulama ve Teori Bakımından Disiplinler Arası Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Sempozyumu (Symposium on Multidisciplinary Personal Data Protection in Practice and Theory), organized by Veri Koruma Derneği (Data Protection Association) and hosted by Yeditepe University on October 25, 2018. TURUNÇ is proud to be a founding member of the Data Protection Association, which brings together practitioners and other data privacy specialists to further the dialogue about privacy issues in Turkey.

Esin Çamlıbel’s panel was entitled “KVKK ve GDPR Açısından Rıza Kavramı ve Aydınlatma Yükümlülüğü” (“Consent and Obligation to Inform under the Turkish Personal Data Protection Law and GDPR”) and moderated by Bora Yazıcıoğlu (Managing Partner, Yazıcıoğlu). The other panelists were Dr. Hasan Oğan (Personal Health Data Working Group, Turkish Medical Association), Professor Erdem Özdemir (Marmara University Law School), Adam Snukal (Shareholder, Greenberg Traurig) and Dr. Nafiye Yücedağ (Istanbul University Law School).

Please see here (in Turkish) and here for coverage of the event.