ISTA Ethics Rules for Arbitrators, Ethics, Latest Developments, and Innovation in Arbitration Conference

02 December 2018
Kerem Turunç

Managing Partner Kerem Turunç moderated the “Latest Developments and Innovation in International Arbitration” at the Ethics Rules for Arbitrators, Ethics, Latest Developments, and Innovation in Arbitration Conference organized by the Istanbul Arbitration Association (ISTA). The panelists were Pelin Baysal (Partner, Gün + Partners), Brandon Malone (Chairman, Scottish Arbitration Centre) and Marina Matousekova (Partner, CastaldiPartners).

TURUNÇ is proud to be a founding member of ISTA. Kerem Turunç has been a board member of the organization since its founding in 2015.

Update: A report of the conference including transcripts is available here and on the ISTA website.

Update: Pictures and a full-length video of the panel are available below.