23 Dec 2019
We wish you all the best for the holiday season and a happy new year! Mutlu yıllar dileriz!
17 Dec 2019
TURUNÇ has advised Acquia on its acquisition of AgilOne. Acquia, which is majority-owned by Vista Equity Partners, is a SaaS company that provides products and services for the open-source web content management platform Drupal by enabling enterprises to build, operate and optimize websites, apps and other digital experiences. AgilOne is...
06 Dec 2019
Managing Partner Kerem Turunç moderated the “Key Risks in Dispute Resolution and How to Avoid Them” at the Turkey Disputes Summit held in Istanbul on December 5, 2019. The event was co-organized by The Legal 500 and the Istanbul Arbitration Association (ISTA). The panelists were Çağla Zıngıl of Akkök Group...
02 Dec 2019
TURUNÇ authored the Turkey chapter of Lexology Getting the Deal Through’s Ports & Terminals (2020) title. The contributing lawyers were Esin Çamlıbel, Naz Esen and Beste Yıldızili. The publication is a comparative guide of the legislation relating to ports and terminals in 20 jurisdictions. The contributing editor is Alex Kyriakoulis of HFW....
10 Nov 2019
“Fakat arkadaşlar ölmeyeceğiz; bağımsızlığımızı muhafaza ederek yaşayacağız ve milletimizi daima bağımsız görmekle bahtiyar olacağız.” – Mustafa Kemal
05 Nov 2019
TURUNÇ authored the Turkey chapter of Lexology Getting the Deal Through’s Private M&A (2020) title. The contributing lawyers were Noyan Turunç, Kerem Turunç and Esin Çamlıbel. The publication is a comparative guide of the regulation of mergers and acquisitions transactions relating to private companies in 40 jurisdictions. The contributing editors are Will...
29 Oct 2019
“Eşkâl-i hükümetin ta’dâdına lüzum yok. Hâkimiyet bilâ kaydü şart milletindir dedikten sonra kime sorarsanız sorunuz, bu Cumhuriyettir. Doğan çocuğun adıdır. Ama bu ad, bazılarına hoş gelmezmiş, varsın gelmesin.” – Abdurrahman Şeref Bey
04 Sep 2019
TURUNÇ authored the Turkey chapter of Lexology Getting the Deal Through’s Data Protection & Privacy (2020) title. The contributing lawyers were Esin Çamlıbel, Beste Yıldızili and Naz Esen. The publication is a comparative guide of the legislation relating to data protection and privacy in 32 jurisdictions. The contributing editors are Aaron P....
02 Sep 2019
TURUNÇ has advised venture capital fund Vela Partners on its investment in Bear Robotics. With its origins in Turkey, and partners also operating in the United States and the UK, Vela Partners invests in startups across a variety of industries. Bear Robotics is a developer of robots for the restaurant...