03 Feb 2014
TURUNÇ has advised CEE-focused private equity fund Royalton Partners on its acquisition, through its portfolio company IUS Legal and Business Solutions, of On İki Levha, a legal publisher. IUS is a provider online legal research tools in Slovenia and Croatia, and plans to offer its services in Turkey through On...
29 Jul 2013
TURUNÇ is advising Netsis and its shareholders on the undergoing sale of Netsis to Logo, Mediterra Capital portfolio company. Netsis and Logo are the two largest enterprise application software developers in Turkey and the closing of the transaction is subject to the approval of the Competition Board. The TURUNÇ team...
11 Jan 2013
TURUNÇ has advised Borsa Istanbul on its strategic partnership with NASDAQ OMX. The scope of the partnership is broad and includes, among other things, NASDAQ OMX taking an equity stake in, and providing its most advanced market technology products with regional resale rights to, Borsa Istanbul. The TURUNÇ team was...
06 Apr 2011
Elektrik Piyasası Düzenleme Kurumu’nun 5 Nisan 2011 tarihli ve 27896 sayılı Resmî Gazete’de yayınlanan Elektrik Piyasası Lisans Yönetmeliğinde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmeliği ile, bahsi geçen yönetmelikte (“Yönetmelik”) bazı değişiklikler yapılmıştır.Öncelikle, Yönetmelik’te yapılan değişiklikle altı yeni hüküm eklenmiştir. Rüzgar ve güneş enerjisine dayalı üretim tesisi kurmak amacıyla yapılan lisans başvurularında kaynak...
10 Feb 2011
TURUNÇ is pleased to announce that Kerem Turunç has joined the firm as a partner. Kerem joins us from Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, having worked in that firm’s New York and London offices. Kerem is an expert in cross-border financial and corporate transactions. He has extensive experience in...