Kerem Turunç Speaks at The World Bank’s Municipal Finance and Creditworthiness Academy

25 April 2016
Kerem Turunç

Kerem Turunç was a panelists at the Turkey Municipal Finance and Creditworthiness Academy, co-organized by the World Bank and the Turkish Union of Municipalities (TBB). The panel was moderated by Stephen Karam (Lead Urban Economist, The World Bank) and also included Hayrettin Güngör (Secretary-General, TBB), Dr. Ender Aykut Yılmaz (Deputy Director-General, İller Bankası), Emre Elmadağ (Deputy Director-General of the Public Finance Department, Turkish Treasury) and Mihaly Kopanyi (Municipal Finance Advisor, World Bank).

The Academy’s aim is to support municipalities in building know-how and skills in financing options and structures, liability management, capital investment planning, and financial sustainability, among other things. Delegates from municipalities around the country and representatives from other public institutions participated in the opening session and the various workshops of the five-day event, held over April 11 – 15, 2016 in Ankara.

The Academy is part of the The City Creditworthiness Initiative, a global effort led by the World Bank to support the development of municipal debt markets, among other goals.

Update: A report on the workshop proceedings is available here.

Update: Links updated.