TURUNÇ Advises Borsa Istanbul on Sale of a Stake to the EBRD

15 December 2015
Kerem Turunç

TURUNÇ has advised Borsa Istanbul on the sale of a 10% equity stake to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

This transaction is the fifth in a series of important international transactions on which TURUNÇ has advised Borsa Istanbul in the last three years. The previous transactions were Borsa Istanbul’s partnerships with NASDAQ OMX, the London Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing, and its acquisition of a stake in LCH.Clearnet.

The TURUNÇ team was led by Kerem Turunç. Linklaters also advised Borsa Istanbul. Sardis Capital provided financial advisory services to Borsa Istanbul.

For more information, please see the press release.