TURUNÇ to Sponsor the IFLR European Capital Markets Forum 2012

23 April 2012
Kerem Turunç

TURUNÇ will be one of the sponsors the European Capital Markets Forum 2012, organized by the International Financial Law Review (IFLR). The event will be held in London on April 25-26, 2012 and bring together participants from law firms, banks, funds and other institutions.

The topics to be discussed at the forum encompass many areas, including changes to bank regulations, issues surrounding equity offerings, securitizations, derivatives and sovereign debt.

Kerem Turunç will be a panelist, along with Gbolahan Elias (Principal Partner, G Elias & Co), Peter Castellon (Deputy General Counsel, Banking and Capital Markets, Citigroup), Amol Prabhu (Director, Barclays Capital) and Ashar Qureshi (Former Executive Vice Chairman, Renaissance Group) on the “Entering Emerging Markets Efficiently” panel.

The brochure of the summit is available here.