Ülkemizin kripto varlıklarla ilgili ilk kanun düzenlemesi (“Kripto Kanunu”) 2 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanarak yürürlüğe girmiştir. Sermaye Piyasası Kanunu’na yeni hükümler ekleyen Kripto Kanunu’nun özetini aşağıda takdim ediyoruz. Kanun’un tam metnine buradan ve Sermaye Piyasası Kanunu’nda yapılan değişiklikleri gösteren mukayeseli metne buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. 1. Genel Olarak Kripto Kanunu,...
TURUNÇ has advised Boğaziçi Ventures on its investment in Mükellef (known as Workhy internationally), an online platform that allows entrepreneurs to manage company formation and financial processes. APY Ventures, 3dots, Sistem Global, ANKA Ventures and Finberg also joined the round. Boğaziçi Ventures is a leading Turkish Capital Markets Board-regulated venture...
TURUNÇ has advised Boğaziçi Ventures on its investment in Retter.io, a provider of products for faster backend development. Inveo Ventures also joined the round. Boğaziçi Ventures is a leading Turkish Capital Markets Board-regulated venture capital fund focused primarily on fintech, health tech, retail tech and gaming. The TURUNÇ team included...
TURUNÇ has advised Boğaziçi Ventures on its investment in Lokum Games, a mobile games development studio. APY Ventures and other investors also joined the round. Boğaziçi Ventures is a leading Turkish Capital Markets Board-regulated venture capital fund focused primarily on fintech, health tech, retail tech and gaming. The TURUNÇ team...
TURUNÇ has advised Boğaziçi Ventures on its investment in Toon Metal Games, a mobile gaming company. Boğaziçi Ventures is a leading Turkish Capital Markets Board-regulated venture capital fund focused primarily on fintech, health tech, retail tech and gaming. The TURUNÇ team included Kerem Turunç, Yasemin Erden, Beste Yıldızili Ergül, Naz...
TURUNÇ has advised Boğaziçi Ventures on its investment in Buddy Performance, a real-time feedback tool to measure employee loyalty and company performance. Boğaziçi Ventures is a leading Turkish Capital Markets Board-regulated venture capital fund focused primarily on fintech, health tech, retail tech and gaming. The TURUNÇ team included Kerem Turunç,...
TURUNÇ has advised Boğaziçi Ventures on its investment in Frozen Pawn Games, an indie gaming company. Boğaziçi Ventures is a leading Turkish Capital Markets Board-regulated venture capital fund focused primarily on fintech, health tech, retail tech and gaming. The TURUNÇ team included Kerem Turunç, Yasemin Erden, Beste Yıldızili Ergül, Naz...
TURUNÇ has advised Boğaziçi Ventures on its investment in Last Bite Games, an indie gaming company. Boğaziçi Ventures is a leading Turkish Capital Markets Board-regulated venture capital fund focused primarily on fintech, health tech, retail tech and gaming. The TURUNÇ team included Kerem Turunç, Yasemin Erden, Beste Yıldızili Ergül, Naz...
TURUNÇ has advised Boğaziçi Ventures on its investment in Cerebrum Tech, a provider of digital transformation solutions, with a focus on artificial intelligence, finance, industry, e-commerce, and Web3. Boğaziçi Ventures is a leading Turkish Capital Markets Board-regulated venture capital fund focused primarily on fintech, health tech, retail tech and gaming....
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