“Ten fanidir can ölmez, gidenler geri gelmez,
Ölür ise ten ölür, canlar ölesi değil.”

“The flesh is mortal the spirit lives on, those who leave don’t return
If anything dies it’s the flesh, spirits don’t tend to die.”

Yunus Emre (1238 – 1328)

A law firm’s primary mission should be to prevent problems before they arise. As such, our corporate advisory practice forms the core of our work and cuts across all of our other practice areas.

We advise public and private companies, boards and general counsel on best practices on an ongoing basis as well as on transactions. Our advice includes general governance issues, fiduciary duties, disclosure, regulatory matters, enforcement, as well as complex corporate purpose, ESG and sustainability issues.

We design and implement governance structures that include all aspects of corporate governance such as board and committee structures, executive onboarding procedures, public company disclosure procedures, insider trading procedures, anti-bribery procedures, internal and external investigations, whistleblowing complaints.

We also have significant experience advising family-owned businesses on corporate governance, professionalizing the business, and succession processes.

Our long history of representing multinationals from all over the globe allows us to counsel clients on implementing their global practices in the most viable manner in Turkey.


Dövizle Ödeme Yasağında Yapılan Değişiklikler

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TURUNÇ Wins Lexology Index Awards 2024 Turkey Country Award

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