New Publication: Contributions to the IFLR Guide to Turkey 2014

25 April 2014
Kerem Turunç

TURUNÇ has sponsored The 2014 Guide to Turkey supplement of the International Financial Law Review (IFLR) magazine, and TURUNÇ lawyers have authored the following articles for the supplement:

– “Laying the Groundwork” by Kerem Turunç: A summary of some recent changes to Turkish securities regulation (available on the IFLR website and for download here)

– “The Onshore Alternative’” by Noyan Turunç and Kerem Turunç: An overview of the new rules applicable to the formation of funds (available on the IFLR website and for download here)

– “When Workers Come Together” by Noyan Turunç: An discussion of collective labor relations under Turkish law (available on the IFLR website and for download here)

Reproduced with permission from Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Ltd.

Update: Links updated.