TURUNÇ has advised Boğaziçi Ventures on its investment in Toon Metal Games, a mobile gaming company. Boğaziçi Ventures is a leading Turkish Capital Markets Board-regulated venture capital fund focused primarily on fintech, health tech, retail tech and gaming. The TURUNÇ team included Kerem Turunç, Yasemin Erden, Beste Yıldızili Ergül, Naz...
TURUNÇ has advised Boğaziçi Ventures on its investment in Buddy Performance, a real-time feedback tool to measure employee loyalty and company performance. Boğaziçi Ventures is a leading Turkish Capital Markets Board-regulated venture capital fund focused primarily on fintech, health tech, retail tech and gaming. The TURUNÇ team included Kerem Turunç,...
[Güncelleme: 2025 senesine ilişkin kriterler için bkz. ilgili bilgi notumuz.] Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu (“SPK”) ve Borsa Istanbul tarafından yapılan güncellemeler neticesinde, halka arz edilecek şirketlerin sağlaması gereken bazı mali kriterler aşağıda izah edildiği şekilde güncellenmiştir. Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu Tarafından Yapılan Değişiklikler SPK tarafından yapılan yeniden değerleme sonucu, 2024 senesinde ilk...
TURUNÇ has advised Boğaziçi Ventures on its investment in Frozen Pawn Games, an indie gaming company. Boğaziçi Ventures is a leading Turkish Capital Markets Board-regulated venture capital fund focused primarily on fintech, health tech, retail tech and gaming. The TURUNÇ team included Kerem Turunç, Yasemin Erden, Beste Yıldızili Ergül, Naz...
TURUNÇ has advised Gelecek Etki Fonu (Future Impact Fund) on its investment in Brandefense, an AI-based a proactive digital risk protection solution for organizations. Sabancı Ventures, Ak Portföy, the Technology Development Foundation of Turkey, TechOne and Finberg also joined the round. Gelecek Etki Fonu is a Capital Markets Board-regulated venture...
16 Aralık 2023 tarih ve 32401 sayılı Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanan 7953 sayılı Cumhurbaşkanı Kararıyla, 5746 sayılı Araştırma, Geliştirme ve Tasarım Faaliyetlerinin Desteklenmesi Hakkında Kanunun 3. maddesine eklenen 14. fıkra ve 4691 sayılı Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgeleri Kanununa eklenen ek 3. madde ile 01.01.2022 tarihinden itibaren geçerli bulunan yasal düzenlemelerde aşağıdaki şekilde...
TURUNÇ has advised Boğaziçi Ventures on its investment in Last Bite Games, an indie gaming company. Boğaziçi Ventures is a leading Turkish Capital Markets Board-regulated venture capital fund focused primarily on fintech, health tech, retail tech and gaming. The TURUNÇ team included Kerem Turunç, Yasemin Erden, Beste Yıldızili Ergül, Naz...
TURUNÇ is pleased to be ranked for the fourth consecutive year as a leading fintech law firm in Turkey in the FinTech Guide published by Chambers & Partners. Created several years ago as a separate guide from the long-running Chambers Global and Chambers Europe guides, in each of which TURUNÇ...
Partner İltem Dokurlar will be one of the speakers at the Turkish Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and Cooperation Opportunities with the Netherlands event on November 28, 2023 in The Hague. The event is organized by the Turkish Industry & Business Association (TÜSİAD), Turkey’s most influential business association, and hosted by TÜSİAD’s Dutch...
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