We are pleased to announce that three TURUNÇ lawyers were winners of the International Law Office and Lexology’s Client Choice Awards 2019. Noyan Turunç was the sole recipient of the Litigation award, Esin Çamlıbel the sole recipient of the Competition & Antitrust award and Kerem Turunç the sole recipient of...
Managing Partner Kerem Turunç moderated the “Latest Developments and Innovation in International Arbitration” at the Ethics Rules for Arbitrators, Ethics, Latest Developments, and Innovation in Arbitration Conference organized by the Istanbul Arbitration Association (ISTA). The panelists were Pelin Baysal (Partner, Gün + Partners), Brandon Malone (Chairman, Scottish Arbitration Centre) and...
Dr. Esin Çamlıbel was a panelists at the Uygulama ve Teori Bakımından Disiplinler Arası Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Sempozyumu (Symposium on Multidisciplinary Personal Data Protection in Practice and Theory), organized by Veri Koruma Derneği (Data Protection Association) and hosted by Yeditepe University on October 25, 2018. TURUNÇ is proud to be...
TURUNÇ will be Chairman Sponsor of the 2018 Turkey General Counsel Summit, being organized by CEE Legal Matters and to be held in Istanbul on November 8, 2018. CEE Legal Matters is a publication covering law firm news and legal developments in Central and Eastern Europe. The summit will bring...
Çözüm ortağı olmaktan gurur duyduğumuz ve 2011 senesinden beri bir iş fikri yarışması olarak düzenlenen TÜSİAD Bu Gençlikte İŞ Var! bu seneden itibaren artık bir girişimcilik programına dönüşüyor! Yeni program düzeni ile, genç girişimcilerin yetkinliklerini arttırmak için kampüs etkileşimi, iş fikri yarışması, kuluçka dönemi desteği, iş ağlarına erişim ve mentorluk...
TURUNÇ was one of the sponsors of The Legal 500’s inaugural Turkey GC Summit, held at the Çırağan Palace in Istanbul on September 27, 2018. The summit brought together private practitioners and in house counsel from a diverse range of practice areas and sectors. TURUNÇ was represented by Founding Partner...
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