TURUNÇ has sponsored The 2013 Guide to Turkey supplement of the International Financial Law Review (IFLR) magazine, and TURUNÇ lawyers have authored the following articles for the supplement: – “A Maturing Market’” by Noyan Turunç and Kerem Turunç: An overview of recent developments in the Turkish private equity market (available...
TURUNÇ partner Kerem Turunç authored the Turkey chapter of the book The ABA Guide to International Bar Admissions, published by the Section of International Law of the American Bar Association. The book provides an overview of bar admission requirements in over 50 countries, with a particular focus on foreign applicants...
TURUNÇ has sponsored The 2012 Guide to Turkey supplement of the International Financial Law Review (IFLR) magazine, and TURUNÇ lawyers have authored the following articles for the supplement: – “Exciting Times” by Kerem Turunç: An overview of the recent changes to capital markets legislation, and the opportunities Turkish capital markets...
Esin Çamlıbel authored the Turkey chapter of the fourth edition of The Private Competition Enforcement. The book is a multijurisdictional guide to private antitrust litigation in 24 jurisdictions. The contributing editor is Ilene Knable Gotts of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz. You can download the Turkey chapter here. Please see our Publications page...
Kerem Turunç’s article entitled “Up and Coming” was published in the special Turkey supplement of the July/August issue of the International Financial Law Review (IFLR) magazine. The article is an overview of the Turkish capital markets, in particular the recent efforts to harmonize the country’s securities legislation with EU regulations....
Esin Çamlıbel authored the Turkey chapter of the third edition of The Private Competition Enforcement. The book is a multijurisdictional guide to private antitrust litigation in 24 jurisdictions. The contributing editor is Ilene Knable Gotts of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz. You can download the Turkey chapter here. Please see our Publications page...
TURUNÇ is proud to announce the release of its new book Turkish Labor Law. Authored by founding partner Noyan Turunç and of counsel Professor Melda Sur, this book is a 239-page comprehensive treatise on Turkish labor and employment laws, including individual and labor relations, pensions and benefits, and restrictive covenants...
TURUNÇ is proud to announce the release of its new book The Law and Practice of Mergers and Acquisitions in Turkey. Authored by founding partner Noyan Turunç, this book is a 278-page comprehensive treatise on the legislation applicable to M&A transactions, and practice notes designed to guide lawyers as well...
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