TURUNÇ Advises Private Group of Investors on Majority Acquisition of Tatilbudur

15 July 2020
Kerem Turunç

TURUNÇ has advised a private group of investors led by Çetin Yılmaz on the acquisition of Tatilbudur, a leading online travel agency from the Poland-based private equity fund MCI. İş Girişim (İş Private Equity), a leading publicly-traded Turkish fund, and another investor in Tatilbudur, remained as a shareholder. The transaction required clearance by the Turkish Competition Board.

The TURUNÇ team included Noyan Turunç, Kerem Turunç, Esin Çamlıbel, Naz Esen, Beste Yıldızili Ergül and Ecem Kütükçüler.

Please see here for more information.