05 Nov 2014
TURUNÇ has provided Turkish law advice to Balfour Beatty on the sale of its professional services division, Parsons Brinckerhoff, to WSP Global. Balfour Beatty is a UK-headquartered globally operating company focused primarily on infrastructure and construction services. WSP is Canada-headquartered multinational professional services firm focused on engineering solutions. Parsons Brinckerhoff...
25 Apr 2014
TURUNÇ has sponsored The 2014 Guide to Turkey supplement of the International Financial Law Review (IFLR) magazine, and TURUNÇ lawyers have authored the following articles for the supplement: – “Laying the Groundwork” by Kerem Turunç: A summary of some recent changes to Turkish securities regulation (available on the IFLR website...
03 Feb 2014
TURUNÇ has advised CEE-focused private equity fund Royalton Partners on its acquisition, through its portfolio company IUS Legal and Business Solutions, of On İki Levha, a legal publisher. IUS is a provider online legal research tools in Slovenia and Croatia, and plans to offer its services in Turkey through On...
29 Jul 2013
TURUNÇ is advising Netsis and its shareholders on the undergoing sale of Netsis to Logo, Mediterra Capital portfolio company. Netsis and Logo are the two largest enterprise application software developers in Turkey and the closing of the transaction is subject to the approval of the Competition Board. The TURUNÇ team...
16 Jul 2013
TURUNÇ has advised Counsel to Eigenmann & Veronelli, an Italy-headquartered producer and distributor of fine chemicals, specialties and performance chemicals operating in numerous countries, on its majority acquisition of Parkim Parfüm, a supplier of specialty and commodity chemicals mainly for cosmetic and household market in Turkey. The TURUNÇ team included...
25 Apr 2013
TURUNÇ has sponsored The 2013 Guide to Turkey supplement of the International Financial Law Review (IFLR) magazine, and TURUNÇ lawyers have authored the following articles for the supplement: – “A Maturing Market’” by Noyan Turunç and Kerem Turunç: An overview of recent developments in the Turkish private equity market (available...
01 Mar 2013
TURUNÇ will be one of the sponsors the European Capital Markets Forum 2013, organized by the International Financial Law Review (IFLR). The event will be held in London on April 9, 2013 and bring together participants from law firms, banks, funds and other institutions. The topics to be discussed at...
20 Feb 2013
Kerem Turunç will be one of the speakers at IBC’s Servicing Clients from High Growth Economies Conference on March 12, 2013 in London. The conference will host various panels on high growth economies, with a focus on high net worth individuals, different asset classes, fund structures and tax issues, among...
22 Jan 2013
TURUNÇ will be one of the sponsors the European In-House Counsel Summit, organized by the International Financial Law Review (IFLR). The event will be held in London on January 24, 2013 and bring together private practitioners and corporate counsel from around the continent. The topics to be discussed at the...