22 Apr 2021
TURUNÇ was ranked by The Legal 500 in the guide’s EMEA 2021 edition, which researches law firms by country and practice area in the EMEA region. In a testament to the Firm’s full-service approach, the Firm was ranked in six practice areas: Banking, Finance and Capital Markets; Commercial, Corporate and...
22 Feb 2021
TURUNÇ is pleased to welcome İltem Dokurlar as a partner and head of the firm’s capital markets practice. Before joining TURUNÇ, Mr. Dokurlar was chief legal counsel at Borsa Istanbul, Turkey’s national stock exchange, and Yıldırım Holding, a Turkish multinational conglomerate. Mr. Dokurlar has extensive experience in securities regulation, capital...
04 Jan 2021
Dr. Esin Çamlıbel has been named partner at TURUNÇ. Dr. Çamlıbel was previously counsel. She leads the firm’s competition law, compliance and regulatory practices. Dr. Çamlıbel is an expert in commercial law, competition law, European Union law, intellectual property law, data privacy, and international trade and WTO laws. Dr. Çamlıbel...
16 Dec 2020
TURUNÇ is pleased to be ranked as a leading fintech law firm in Turkey in the FinTech 2021 guide published by Chambers & Partners. Created several years ago as a separate guide from the traditional Chambers Global and Chambers Europe guides, in each of which TURUNÇ is also ranked, the...
20 Aug 2020
TURUNÇ authored the Turkey chapter of Lexology Getting the Deal Through’s Public M&A (2020) title. The contributing lawyers were Noyan Turunç and Kerem Turunç. The publication is a comparative guide of the regulation of mergers and acquisitions transactions relating to publicly traded companies in 34 jurisdictions. In addition to Turkey, the jurisdictions...
12 Aug 2020
TURUNÇ authored the Turkey chapter of Lexology Getting the Deal Through’s Loans & Secured Financing (2023) title. The contributing lawyer was Ilgın Eroğlu Alyanak. The publication is a comparative guide of the legislation relating to loans and secured financing transactions in 17 jurisdictions. In addition to Turkey, the jurisdictions covered by the...
21 May 2020
Hatırlanacağı üzere, Koronavirüs tedbirleri kapsamında çıkartılan 7244 Sayılı Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun uyarınca Türk Ticaret Kanunu’na eklenen geçici bir madde ile sermaye şirketlerinin kâr dağıtımlarına bazı sınırlamalar getirilmişti. (7244 Sayılı Kanun ile ilgili bilgi notumuza buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.) Ticaret Bakanlığı tarafından, bahsi geçen kısıtlamaların uygulanmasına ilişkin usul ve esaslarla...
28 Apr 2020
TURUNÇ was ranked by The Legal 500 in the guide’s EMEA 2020 edition, which researches law firms by country and practice area in the EMEA region. As has been the case for many years, the Firm was ranked in multiple practice areas: Banking, Finance and Capital Markets; Commercial, Corporate and...
17 Apr 2020
Bilindiği üzere, COVID-19 (Koronavirüs) salgınının Türkiye’de ortaya çıktığı 10 Mart 2020 tarihinden bu yana kamu kurumları birçok önlem almışlardır. Ayrıca, 7226 sayılı Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun ile mevzuatta çeşitli değişiklikler yapılmıştır. Son olarak, 17 Nisan 2020 tarihinde yürürlüğe giren 7244 sayılı Yeni Koronavirüs (Covid-19) Salgınının Ekonomik ve Sosyal...