03 Feb 2014
TURUNÇ has advised CEE-focused private equity fund Royalton Partners on its acquisition, through its portfolio company IUS Legal and Business Solutions, of On İki Levha, a legal publisher. IUS is a provider online legal research tools in Slovenia and Croatia, and plans to offer its services in Turkey through On...
23 Aug 2013
TURUNÇ has advised Rultrans Trasmisyon and its shareholders on sale of Rultrans to Italy’s Megadyne. Rultrans is an Izmir-based producer of PVC and polyurethane conveyor belts. Megadyne is a manufacturer of rubber and polyurethane power transmission belts and belt systems, among other products. The TURUNÇ team included Noyan Turunç, Esin...
29 Jul 2013
TURUNÇ is advising Netsis and its shareholders on the undergoing sale of Netsis to Logo, Mediterra Capital portfolio company. Netsis and Logo are the two largest enterprise application software developers in Turkey and the closing of the transaction is subject to the approval of the Competition Board. The TURUNÇ team...
20 Feb 2013
Kerem Turunç will be one of the speakers at IBC’s Servicing Clients from High Growth Economies Conference on March 12, 2013 in London. The conference will host various panels on high growth economies, with a focus on high net worth individuals, different asset classes, fund structures and tax issues, among...
11 Jan 2013
TURUNÇ has advised Borsa Istanbul on its strategic partnership with NASDAQ OMX. The scope of the partnership is broad and includes, among other things, NASDAQ OMX taking an equity stake in, and providing its most advanced market technology products with regional resale rights to, Borsa Istanbul. The TURUNÇ team was...
14 Apr 2012
Kerem Turunç will be one of the speakers at EuroFinance’s 8th Annual Conference on Cash, Treasury and Risk Management in Turkey. This year’s theme is “how world crises can change your financial management for the better” and will include a diverse array of topics, including Basel III rules, mobile banking,...
07 Jun 2010
TURUNÇ is proud to announce the release of its new book Turkish Labor Law. Authored by founding partner Noyan Turunç and of counsel Professor Melda Sur, this book is a 239-page comprehensive treatise on Turkish labor and employment laws, including individual and labor relations, pensions and benefits, and restrictive covenants...
04 Jan 2010
TURUNÇ is proud to announce the release of its new book The Law and Practice of Mergers and Acquisitions in Turkey. Authored by founding partner Noyan Turunç, this book is a 278-page comprehensive treatise on the legislation applicable to M&A transactions, and practice notes designed to guide lawyers as well...