We are pleased to announce that three TURUNÇ lawyers were winners of the International Law Office and Lexology’s Client Choice Awards 2019. Noyan Turunç was the sole recipient of the Litigation award, Esin Çamlıbel the sole recipient of the Competition & Antitrust award and Kerem Turunç the sole recipient of...
TURUNÇ has represented The Export-Import Bank of Korea (Korea Eximbank) on its equity investment into Howon Otomotiv. Korea Eximbank is the official export credit agency of South Korea. In addition to providing export credit and guarantees to support Korean companies’ operations overseas, it also makes direct equity investments. Howon Otomotiv...
TURUNÇ has advised Egesil Kimya, a specialty chemicals manufacturer, on a EUR 15 million loan from the EBRD. The loan will be used to increase Egesil’s production of precipitated silica, which functions, among other things, as a reinforcing filler for tires. Egesil is a joint venture between Ege Kimya, a...
TURUNÇ authored the Turkey chapter of Getting the Deal Through’s Ports & Terminals (2019) title. The contributing lawyers were Esin Çamlıbel and Grace Maral Burnett. The publication is a comparative guide of the legislation relating to ports and terminals in 22 jurisdictions. The contributing editor is Alex Kyriakoulis of HFW. The guide...
Through a Presidential Decree issued in September, Turkey has imposed significant restrictions, known as the “FX ban”, on the ability of parties to enter into certain types of foreign currency-denominated and indexed contracts. Pursuant to the authority it was granted in the Decree to promulgate exemptions to the restrictions, the...
Türk Parası Kıymetini Koruma Hakkında 32 Sayılı Karara İlişkin Tebliğ (Tebliğ No: 2008-32/34)’de Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Tebliğ (Tebliğ No: 2018-32/52) (“İkinci İstisnalar Tebliği”) Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlığı tarafından düzenlenip 16 Kasım 2018 tarihli Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanmış ve yayımı tarihinde yürürlüğe girmiştir. Hatırlanacağı üzere, 6 Ekim 2018’de 2018-32/51 No.lu ve aynı...
Dr. Esin Çamlıbel was a panelists at the Uygulama ve Teori Bakımından Disiplinler Arası Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Sempozyumu (Symposium on Multidisciplinary Personal Data Protection in Practice and Theory), organized by Veri Koruma Derneği (Data Protection Association) and hosted by Yeditepe University on October 25, 2018. TURUNÇ is proud to be...
TURUNÇ authored the Turkey chapter of Getting the Deal Through’s Private M&A (2019) title. The contributing lawyers were Noyan Turunç, Kerem Turunç, Esin Çamlıbel, Grace Maral Burnett and Nilay Enkür. The publication is a comparative guide of the regulation of mergers and acquisitions transactions relating to private companies in 38 jurisdictions. The...
TURUNÇ will be Chairman Sponsor of the 2018 Turkey General Counsel Summit, being organized by CEE Legal Matters and to be held in Istanbul on November 8, 2018. CEE Legal Matters is a publication covering law firm news and legal developments in Central and Eastern Europe. The summit will bring...
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